CBD Infused Products

Topicals, Creams and Balms

About CBD Infused Products

Our CBD Topicals and infusions are bulit to fit all uses in your life, 

Khronix Guarantees Quality

Triple Pass Distilled 

Curing the Flower

Packed Fresh

CBD Infused Products FAQ

Can you fail a drug test from using a CBD Topical ?

No, there has been no proof that using a topical that has less than 0.3% THC gets enough THC in your body to fail a drug test

Can CBD be absorbed through the skin?

Absolutely! CBD can absorb into the skin but, it is important to note that it will not reach the bloodstream like other types of CBD products. A liberal application of CBD will also insure the CBD topical to reach the cannabinoid receptors through the pores in the skin. 

Discount Strain of the Month

Deeply discounted Strain of July 2021
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